Back in 2008 Barack Obama was a fresh face, full of energy and new ideas, inspiring voters to elect the first African American Commander in Chief of the United States. He gave hope to millions that his drive and energy could help turn an ailing and depressed country around.
Where has that man gone? The Barack Obama many of us feel we know and love has not been in evidence that often recently. At recent town hall meetings the bright white Barack smile looked forced and the arm pumping and fake jogging a tired political cliché that has run its course.
It appears that life in the lion’s den that is Washington is more than Obama had ever bargained for, and perhaps is only now realizing the true scope of the task he has undertaken.
Take for instance the recent e mail campaign that he launched to encourage his supporters to report "health care rumors" to a special website for review by his administration. One can only imagine what one of his most vocal supporters in the music world, rapper Young Jeezy, might have made of that. The man has made a career out of promoting the phrase "Don't Snitch".
On a more serious note, the fact is that more and more Americans seemed to be growing tired of the Obama show. They are disenchanted with the massive piles of debt that still exist, the jobs that are still being lost and the expansion of government. Obama keeps talking though, seemingly in the hope that if he keeps talking, keeps selling the "bigger is better" concept that his supporters will calm down again and listen. The fact that a recent poll showed that nearly half the people questioned thought the President was now on television too much seems to burst that particular bubble.
There is little doubt that the current health care "crisis" may be doing the most damage to the President's image. Another poll, this time conducted by the New York Times and CBS had some findings that should have alarm bells ringing in Obama's head. Sixty-nine percent believe Obamacare will hurt the quality of their own health care, while a huge seventy-six percent believe Obama's changes will mean higher taxes for them. And those are just two of the lowlights.
There are still wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to contend with and the economy is still a mess. Barack Obama will be doing himself and his country a serious injustice if he continues to allow the health care "debate" to ruin his image and his country's faith in him for good.